So, why you should you get involved with a church at university?
Arriving at university can be scary, it’s not easy and there are so many things that change. At the CU, would really encourage you to get involved in a church when you arrive.
Church is an opportunity each week to hear a sermon from the Bible, to be equipped directly from God’s word in order to grow in love and knowledge of Him and in ways we can glorify Him day to day. It’s also a place to pray together, to sing in worship and praise for the Lord, so chat and catch up with friends and to get to know older Christians.
The three most attended churches by Brookes students are Emmanuel Oxford, St Aldate’s and St Ebbe’s Headington. Each of the three main churches that Brookes students attend have student teams that put on student nights on Thursdays. Although they will certainly look different this year, with a number of them being virtual, it’s still an amazing chance to get together in smaller groups to read the Bible together and encourage one another. Do take a look at their websites and social medias for more information or feel free to contact the CU.
1. Learning
Church offers a great opportunity to delve into the Bible, being encouraged by the God-breathed words it gives us. The gospel is such an exciting thing to explore and one of the great parts of church is growing in wisdom about the word of God.
“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.” - Colossians 3:16
Learning from scripture helps us in our own walks with the Lord so coming to church and learning more about God is a great opportunity. It’s wonderful for both spiritual growth and strength.
2. Meeting
Though meeting others will look different this year, church is a great opportunity to get to know like-minded Christians. Christian friends are such a wonderful gift that allows us to encourage one another and hold each other accountable.
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”
- Psalm 133:1
Church is also great as it gives us a chance to meet older and younger Christians, there are great opportunities for growth, getting and giving advice of how to pursue the Christian life. Knowing that you are not alone and have support from church family is a great comfort.
3. Serving
A huge part of church life is serving! It is a great joy to help out at church, whether that be in children’s ministry, in music, in serving teas and coffees. There are so many ways to serve and they are all wonderful forms of worship.
“If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.”
- 1 Peter 4:11
It’s brilliant that not only is serving the Lord a way to glorify Him but that in our service He provides strength to do so. Serving in church is also a wonderful way to meet other people and to serve alongside them to glorify God.
We really hope that despite this year looking different, there are ways in which we can all be involved in learning, meeting (virtually or in person) and serving through church. We would encourage anyone to get involved in church family and life!